Product Design

Product development is the process of creating a new product to be sold by a business or enterprise to its customers. In the document title, Design refers to those activities involved in creating the styling, look and feel of the product, deciding on the product's mechanical architecture, selecting materials and processes, and engineering the various components necessary to make the product work

Development refers collectively to the entire process of identifying a market opportunity, creating a product to appeal to the identified market, and finally, testing, modifying and refining the product until it is ready for production. A product can be any item from a book, musical composition, or information service, to an engineered product such as a computer, hair dryer, or washing machine. This document is focused on the process of developing discrete engineered products, rather than works of art or informational products

  1. Preparation. You fill in the brief form, we define the business task of the project together, examine, and analyze similar competitive sites.

  2. Discussion The process involves not only designers, but also the leader that is leading the project. At this time, original ideas are generated and the structure, colors, usability, and many other things are worked out.

  3. Model creation. At this stage, it is decided where the main elements of the site will be located and how they will look. A comfortable and user-friendly navigation is also developed here. The result is several design variants.

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